What Income in Nontaxable?

Most types of income are taxable, but some are not. Income can include money, property or services that you receive. Here are some examples of income that are usually not taxable: Child support payments; Gifts, bequests and inheritances; Welfare benefits; Damage...

A time of transition, changing jobs may lower your taxes

September is often a time of transition, when people decide to make major life decisions–such as changing jobs. If you’re looking for a new job, then you may be able to claim a tax deduction for some of your job hunting expenses–as long as it’s...

Which Moving Expenses are Deductible?

If you moved due to a change in your job or business location, or because you started a new job or business, you may be able to deduct your reasonable moving expenses; however, you may not deduct any expenses for meals. If you meet the requirements of the tax law for...

Renting out a Vacation Home

Tax rules on rental income from second homes can be complicated, particularly if you rent the home out for several months of the year, but also use the home yourself. There is however, one provision that is not complicated. Homeowners who rent out their property for...